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  • validateGas(transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }): void

  • This method checks if all required gas properties are present for either legacy gas (type 0x0 and 0x1) OR fee market transactions (0x2)


    • transaction: { accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: string; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: string; from?: string; gas?: string; gasLimit?: string; gasPrice?: string; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: string; maxFeePerGas?: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string; networkId?: string; nonce?: string; r?: string; s?: string; to?: null | string; type?: string; v?: string; value?: string; yParity?: string }
      • optionalaccessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]
      • optionalchain: ValidChains
      • optionalchainId: string
      • optionalcommon: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: string; name?: string; networkId: string }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }
      • optionaldata: string
      • optionalfrom: string
      • optionalgas: string
      • optionalgasLimit: string
      • optionalgasPrice: string
      • optionalhardfork: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai
      • optionalinput: string
      • optionalmaxFeePerGas: string
      • optionalmaxPriorityFeePerGas: string
      • optionalnetworkId: string
      • optionalnonce: string
      • optionalr: string
      • optionals: string
      • optionalto: null | string
      • optionaltype: string
      • optionalv: string
      • optionalvalue: string
      • optionalyParity: string

    Returns void