Type parameters
- ReturnFormat: DataFormat
web3Context: Web3Context<EthExecutionAPI, any>
(Web3Context) Web3 configuration object that contains things such as the provider, request manager, wallet, etc.
returnFormat: ReturnFormat
Returns Promise<{ accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; name?: string; networkId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] }; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai }; data?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; from?: string; gas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasLimit?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasPrice?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; hardfork?: chainstart | frontier | homestead | dao | tangerineWhistle | spuriousDragon | byzantium | constantinople | petersburg | istanbul | muirGlacier | berlin | london | altair | arrowGlacier | grayGlacier | bellatrix | merge | capella | shanghai; input?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; maxFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; networkId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; nonce?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; r?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; s?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; to?: null | string; type?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; v?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; value?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; yParity?: string }[]>
View additional documentations here: Web3Eth.getPendingTransactions